Why Support SAFF and EwB?
Evelyn Neves, Jonathan Snelgar and Lee Snelgar owners of Nelson the Seagull (NtS) are proud sponsors of the South African Film Festival Canada 2021 (SAFF); SAFF is the flagship fundraising event for Education without Borders (EwB). What is it about SAFF and EwB that attracts Evelyn, Jonathan and Lee?
Childhood education is a vital measure to reduce poverty. A brief online search provides ample quantitative research supporting this thesis. “High-quality early childhood education programs for children from low-income families show benefit-cost ratios of 7:1—meaning for every dollar we invest society saves roughly $7 in social service costs.”* EwB’s mission is to improve childhood education which in turn helps reduce poverty.
COVID has created an enormous setback for children’s education which is particularly profound in low-income countries. “COVID-19 has created the worst crisis to education and learning in a century”**. EwB has pivoted its programing to deliver feeding programs in the neighbourhoods served by EwB tutoring programs and provide financial support to staff and tutors by continuing compensation during the disruption of tutoring. It has also started virtual WhatsApp and Zoom tutoring sessions for learners that have family smartphones by paying for data.
For these reasons, Evleyn, Jonathan and Lee encourage you to support EwB by enjoying the curated offering of the best recent feature and documentary films from South Africa through SAFF ticket purchase. Because of festival volunteers and sponsors, 100% of the proceeds from ticket sales go directly to EwB.
*Funding childhood poverty programs is key to social mobility
**Urgent, Effective Action Required to Quell the Impact of COVID-19 on Education Worldwide