With the support of EwB, The Seabird Island Band Child and Youth Program was able to purchase the equipment necessary to adapt a program to the current pandemic situation.
The adjusted program is focused on sustainable outdoor and cultural programming that can take place within the community. The funds were used to purchase canoes, kayaks and a boat trailer. These items have been well utilized by a number of our small group and family-based programs including our summer leadership training program, kids summer camp, teen cultural camp and family canoe nights. These programs nurtured a love of nature and connection to a culture which was a valuable opportunity; this is especially true for our youth who are at high risk and had limited opportunities to leave home.
Approximately 73 participants (not including staff) have used the boats in small, Covid safe, groups. The expectation is that many more people will enjoy them in the future when there are fewer barriers due to Covid-19.
The long-term plan of the Seabird Island Band Child and Youth Program is to invest in quality outdoor equipment that will promote health and wellbeing in the programs for several decades. The program also has a partnership with the Seabird Island Community School and will lend them the boats for their Cultural courses so that their students can also benefit from access to the boats.