My first child, Palisa, has been part of the Education without Borders program since 2013, moving from Mseki Primary School to Fezeka High School. Ever since she joined EwB, we have noticed progress in her schoolwork. I strongly believe that if she were not part of the program, she wouldn't have passed. Hence, I also made sure that my other two daughters, Milani and Katlego, joined the program.
Milani is in Grade 7, and Katlego is in Grade 4 at Mseki Primary School. Milani, who started the program in Grade 4, can now express herself confidently in English, and her math skills have improved.
Katlego, who started the program this year, was initially shy and kept to herself, lacking confidence to express herself. However, she has now begun to develop confidence and can speak and express herself in English. Not only has she improved, but she has also developed a keen interest in math. She always mentions that the tutors make learning fun and interesting by incorporating games connected to the topic, rather than just writing on the board.
- Nomakhosazana Benedicta Notywala, mother